
Anchoring Vignettes for School Community Strength: Principals


Talking about your child's school, How would you grade the relationship between the principal and parents in [your child's name]'s school? [Prompt: By relationship, I mean how well does the principal in [your child's name]'s school reach out to keep parents informed about events and problems in the school.

Response categories:

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. F

[Introduction] Let's consider this situation now: there is a child who routinely disrupts class and gets sent to the principal's office on a regular basis.

  1. At THIS school, the principal calls the parents, follows up with a letter, and ACTIVELY tries to find out the source of the child's behavior problem. How would you grade the relationship BETWEEN THE PRINCIPAL AND THE PARENTS at this school ?

  2. At THIS school, the principal sends a letter home notifying the parents of the problem but DOESN'T DO anything else. How would you grade the relationship between THE PARENTS AND THE PRINCIPAL at this school?

  3. At THIS school, the principal JUST has the child sit in the main office for a few hours and NEVER notifies the parent. How would you grade the relationship between THE PRINCIPAL AND THE PARENTS at this school?