Mobility and Affect

Anchoring Vignettes for Mobility and Affect


  1. Overall in the last 30 days, how much of a problem did [name of person] have with feeling sad, low, or depressed?
  2. In the last 30 days, how much of a problem did [name of person] have with worry or anxiety?

Response categories:

  1. None
  2. Mild
  3. Moderate
  4. Severe
  5. Extreme
  1. [Esi] feels nervous and anxious. She worries and thinks negatively about the future, but feels better in the company of people or when doing something that really interests her. When she is alone she tends to feel useless and empty.

  2. [Adjoa] has no problems with walking, running or using her hands, arms and legs. She jogs 4 kilometres twice a week.

  3. [Araba] does not exercise. She cannot climb stairs or do other physical activities because she is obese. She is able to carry the groceries and do some light household work. .

  4. [Ekua] is paralyzed from the neck down. She is unable to move her arms and legs or to shift body position. She is confined to bed.

  5. [Aba] loves life and is happy all the time. She never worries or gets upset about anything and deals with things as they come.

  6. [Efua] is able to walk distances of up to 200 metres without any problems but feels tired after walking one kilometre or climbing up more than one flight nof stairs. She has no problems with day-to-day physical activities, such as carrying food from the market.

  7. [Fatima] has a lot of swelling in her legs due to her health condition. She has to make an effort to walk around her home as her legs feel heavy.

  8. [Mame] has already had five admissions into the hospital because she has attempted suicide twice in the past year and has harmed herself on three other occasions. She is very distressed every day for most of the day, and sees no hope of things ever getting better. She is thinking of trying to end her life again. .

  9. [Comfort] feels depressed most of the time. She weeps frequently and feels hopeless about the future. She feels that she has become a burden on others and that she would be better dead. .

  10. [Giftie] enjoys her work and social activities and is generally satisfied with her life. She gets depressed every 3 weeks for a day or two and loses interest in what she usually enjoys but is able to carry on with her day to day activities.