Ill Effects of Smoking

Anchoring Vignettes for Smoking


Would you say that the ill effects of smoking are presented in a manner that is clear for [you/name of person]?

Response categories:

  1. Completely
  2. Mostly
  3. Moderately
  4. Slightly
  5. Not at All


  1. [Aisha] goes to see the doctor for a check-up. He asks her a series of question on her life style (if she exercises, eats correctly) and finally asks her if she smokes. She says that she smokes and the doctor tells her that it is a bad habit and that she should stop. He spent an extra ten minutes with her to explain in a very clear yet kind way the dangers to her and her offspring's health.

  2. [Kim] has a cigarette in her hand. She is pregnant. One day she is walking past a poster showing two pictures. The first picture is of a mother carrying a plump baby. The other picture shows a tired women carrying a baby that is underweight. Kim reads the sign "smoking during pregnancy harms the baby".

  3. [Haile] comes home from a day's work and turns on the radio to listen to the news. The news reported on the rise in deaths due to lung cancer in his country from last year and that it was caused by the rise in the numbers of smokers.

  4. [Janis] is at the big athletic event of the year. During half time, there is a commercial heard on the speakers with the following message read by the local athletic hero(heroine). "When I was a teenager, I tried cigarettes a couple of times. I think that if I had not stopped, I would not be here today. I am asking you, our young fans, please don't take up smoking

  5. [Michael] stops at the corner and buys a packet of cigarettes. On the pack of cigarettes, there is a message written in small letters, "Smoking during pregnancy harms the baby".

  6. [Samuel] cannot read or write. Walking on the street, he sees a billboard showing a man smiling and lighting a cigarette. The caption on the board says "Nicotine is a drug and it causes dependence". At the bottom of the billboard there is a non-smoking sign.