
Anchoring Vignettes for School Community Strength: Teachers


Going back to [your child's name]'s school, How would you grade the relationship between yourself and [your child's name]'s teacher? [Prompt: By relationship I mean how well does your child's teacher reach out to keep you informed about [your child's name]'s progress in school]

Response categories:

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. F

[Introduction]Here's another situation. Let's say a child is going to be presented with an award at a special ceremony.

  1. At THIS school, the child's teacher sends a letter home, calls the parents, and does everything possible to ensure that the parents attend the award ceremony. How would you grade the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TEACHER AND THE CHILD'S PARENTS in this school?

  2. At THIS school, the teacher sends a letter home notifying the parent about the ceremony. How would you grade the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TEACHER AND THE CHILD'S PARENTS in this school?

  3. At THIS school, the teacher tells the child to invite her parent but does nothing else.