
Anchoring Vignettes for Vision


  1. In the last 30 days, how much difficulty did you think [name of person/you] have in seeing and recognizing a person she knows across the road ( i.e. from a distance of about 20 meters)?
  2. In the last 30 days, how much difficulty did you think [name of person/you] have in seeing and recognizing an object at arm's length or in reading?

Response categories:

  1. None
  2. Mild
  3. Moderate
  4. Severe
  5. Extreme/Cannot Do


  1. [Hector] can read words in newspaper articles (and can recognise faces on a postcard size photograph). He can recognize familiar people�s faces all the time and picks out most details in pictures from across 20 metres.***
  2. [Tanya] has no problems with her vision in most tasks in her daily life. While driving she finds it a problem to read road signs clearly.
  3. [Angela] can read words in newspaper articles but has difficulty threading a needle. She can recognize people's faces and pick out details in pictures from across 20 metres quite distinctly.
  4. [Thiam] can read words in newspaper articles and can recognise faces on a postcard size photograph but struggles to read the very small writing on packages. He can recognize people’s faces and picks out most details in pictures from across 20 metres.
  5. [Antonio] can read words in newspaper articles (and can recognise faces on a postcard size photograph). He can recognize shapes and colours from across 20 metres but misses out the fine details.***
  6. [Norman] needs a magnifying glass to read small print and look at details on pictures. He also takes a while to recognize objects if they are too far from him.***
  7. [Jerome] can recognize familiar faces and objects in good light and when they are not too far away from him.
  8. [Nadine] can only see objects that are close to her. She is able to read words in newspaper articles in good light.
  9. [Andrew] cannot read words in newspaper articles (and cannot recognise faces on a postcard size photograph). He does not recognize people's faces from across several metres but can identify faces from close up.
  10. [Jennifer] only reads if the text is in very large print, such as 10 lines per page. Otherwise she does not read anything. Even when people are close to her, she sees them blurred.***
  11. [Carolina] does not recognize people’s faces but can see shapes. She can also detect the presence of a light.
  12. [Paula] can distinguish bright light from total darkness, and can see, large movements right next to her though she cannot recognize the moving objects.
  13. [Sebastian] cannot detect any movement close to the eyes or even the presence of a light.***

*** Included in the final World Health Survey instrument in 2002.