
Anchoring Vignettes for Affect


  1. How much was [name of person] limited in the kind or amount of work he/she could do?
Response categories:
  1. None
  2. Mild
  3. Moderate
  4. Severe
  5. Extreme/Cannot Do


  1. [Henriette] generally enjoys her work. She gets depressed every 3 weeks for a day or two and loses interest in what she usually enjoys but is able to carry on with her day-to-day activities on the job.

  2. [Jim] enjoys work very much. He feels that he is doing a very good job and is optimistic about the future.

  3. [Tamara] has mood swings on the job. When she gets depressed, everything she does at work is an effort for her and she no longer enjoys her usual activities at work. These mood swings are not predictable and occur two or three times during a month.

  4. [Eva] feels worried all the time. She gets depressed once a week at work for a couple of days in a row, thinking about what could go wrong and that her boss will disapprove of her condition. But she is able to come out of this mood if she concentrates on something else.

  5. [Roberta] feels depressed most of the time. She weeps frequently at work and feels hopeless about the future. She feels that she has become a burden to her co-workers and that she would be better dead.