Anchoring Vignettes for CVD


  1. How much was [name of person] limited in the kind or amount of work he/she could do?
Response categories:
  1. None
  2. Mild
  3. Moderate
  4. Severe
  5. Extreme/Cannot Do


  1. [Trish] is very active and fit. She takes aerobic classes 3 times a week. Her job is not physically demanding, but sometimes a little stressful.

  2. [Norbert] has had heart problems in the past and he has been told to watch his cholesterol level. Sometimes if he feels stressed at work he feels pain in his chest and occasionally in his arms.

  3. [Paul]’s family has a history of heart problems. His father died of a heart attack when Paul was still very young. The doctors have told Paul that he is at severe risk of having a serious heart attack himself and that he should avoid strenuous physical activity or stress. His work is sedentary, but he frequently has to meet strict deadlines, which adds considerable pressure to his job. He sometimes feels severe pain in chest and arms, and suffers from dizziness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath.

  4. [Tom] has been diagnosed with high blood pressure. His blood pressure goes up quickly if he feels under stress. Tom does not exercise much and is overweight. His job is not physically demanding, but sometimes it can be hectic. He does not get along with his boss very well.

  5. [Dan] has undergone triple bypass heart surgery. He is a heavy smoker and still experiences severe chest pain sometimes. His job does not involve heavy physical demands, but sometimes at work he experiences dizzy spells and chest pain.