Pain and Personal Relationships

Anchoring Vignettes for Pain and Personal Relationships


  1. Overall in the last 30 days, how much of bodily aches or pains did [name of person] have?
  2. In the last 30 days, how much bodily discomfort did [name of person] have?

Response categories:

  1. None
  2. Mild
  3. Moderate
  4. Severe
  5. Extreme
  1. [Esi] has pain in her knees, elbows, wrists and fingers, and the pain is present almost all the time. It gets worse during the first half of the day. Although medication helps, she feels uncomfortable when moving around, holding and lifting things.

  2. [Adjoa] has difficulty climbing up and down the stairs and walking. She is not able to go out as much as she would like to but has many friends who come and visit her at home. Her friends find her a source of great comfort.

  3. [Araba] suffered a stroke three months ago. Her friends do not come and visit any more as she cannot communicate with them. She is constantly upset and shouts at her family members which causes them to avoid her.

  4. [Ekua] cannot remember when she last felt pain as this has not happened for the last several years now. She does not experience any pain even after hard physical labor or exercise.

  5. [Aba] can join in any community activities that interest her, whenever she wants to, without any restrictions. She gets on well with everybody and enjoys meeting new people.

  6. [Efua] has pain in the neck radiating to the arms that is not relieved by any medicines or other treatment. The pain is sharp at all times and keeps her awake most of the night. During the day the pain has made her completely incapacitated. It has necessitated complete confinement to the bed and often makes her think of ending her life.

  7. [Fatima] gets on well with the people she knows but has no close friends. She has not spoken to her mother in 5 years and does not want to see her. Because of this tension, her family usually excludes her from family gatherings.

  8. [Mame] has a headache once a month that is relieved one hour after taking a pill. During the headache she can carry on with her day to day affairs.

  9. [Comfort] is blind and lives in a remote rural area. Her family does not allow her to leave the house because they fear she will get hurt. Her family tells her that she is a burden to them. Their criticism upsets her and she cries.

  10. [Giftie] has pain that radiates down her right arm and wrist during her day at work. This is slightly relieved in the evenings when she is no longer working on her computer.